Reception 2023 - 2024

Mrs Symes

Mrs Williams

Summer Term 2

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone.  We hope you have all had a wonderful half term and that everyone has enjoyed the break.  It is hard to believe we are in the last half term of the school year but we have a very busy half term ahead full of fun and exciting activities including our trip to Knowsley Safari Park on 5th June.  We are also hoping to squeeze in a Teddy Bear’s Picnic and a trip to Duke Street Park!

As the weather will hopefully be warm and sunny it is helpful if the children have suncream applied at home before they come into school.  Whilst we can supervise the children applying cream we cannot apply it for them.  This can be quite tricky to do when you are 4 or 5!  It is also advisable to send your child into school with a sunhat.

During this half term we will be basing our literacy work on our current book which is ‘Supertato’ by Paul Linnet.  This is a delightful story about a potato who fulfills his destiny as a supermarket superhero.  We have lots planned including writing letters to Supertato to ask for his help!

This half term the whole school will also be taking part in ‘Shakespeare Week’.  In Reception we will be looking at ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.  We will obviously be accessing it in an age appropriate way.

In Maths we will continue to look at doubling and halving.  We will also continue to work on our number bonds using number sentences and our problem solving skills.

We will continue to work hard with our phonics learning.  You will be kept up to date with current sounds and phases.  We would encourage you to consolidate this learning with your child at home as this will really help their progress.

P.E. will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday so children should come into school in their P.E. kits on these days. 

Reading books will continue to be changed weekly.  Your child will have the same set day to change their books.  If books and reading records are kept in book bags this makes it easier to change the books as there is less chance of them being left at home accidentally.  Please sign the reading record and make a comment to let us know how your child is progressing with their reading at home.  A quick reminder that your child still has access to The Bug Club which is on Activelearn which provides access to extra books to read and also to comprehension questions.  Your child has received a log in for this.

Homework will still be sent home on Fridays and should be sent back in by the following Tuesday.  If this is ever a problem then please let us know.

Stay and play sessions will continue this half term.  An email will be sent out with dates – they can be booked via email or at the class door.

Please continue to check the class page for updates.  Gallery items are regularly put onto the class page to give you an insight into what the children have been doing.  The ‘Word of the Week’ is also put onto the class page weekly as a news item.  This is displayed in the class window too.

If you ever have any queries or anything you wish to speak to us about then please do not hesitate to speak to us at the door.  Alternatively there is the class email which is [email protected].  The email is checked very regularly.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support.  It is very much appreciated.

Mrs. Symes and Mrs. Williams

Useful links

Active Learn Login

Purple Mash

Music Links

Mini Music Makers

RNSO music challenges

Stomp Style Body Percussion

Mental Health links:

Please also visit the school's dedicated mental health and well-being page for more information on where to get support.

Welcome to the Reception Learning Hub!

Click on the icons below which will take you straight to the website. The website will give you ideas and activities for their age related learning journey. We will add to this over time. Don't forget to look on Google Classroom for your latest activities!

Google Classroom.png

Purple Mash.png MyMaths.jpg ActiveLearn.png
STEM Learning.png BBC Bitesize.png Robin Hood Trust.png Literacy Shed.jpg
Bitesize Phonics.JPG CAFOD Kids Zone.jpg National Trust.JPG TopMarks Maths.JPG



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Open the Book Assembly, by Mrs Monaghan

St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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