PE and Sport Premium Funding
In 2022-23 St. Jerome's recieved £17820 in grant funding for P.E. and Sport.
Pupils are active at playtimes and during P.E. lessons which are of a high standard. Pupil participation in sport outside school is high and this is evidenced in the number of pupils attending local clubs in gymnastics, swimming, hockey, cricket, tennis, football, Judo, Tae-Kwondo, Cycling, horse-riding, golf, tennis, athletics, rugby and dance.
Staff participate in the coached sessions in order to develop their skills and knowledge.
94% of pupils in Year 6 are able to swim the required distances according to the National Curriculum.
The school particpates in all the inter-school tournaments and competitions that are available and we compete to a good standard.
We are also a Gold Standard Bike It School.
Staff have good skills in relation to coaching as a result of training and participation in the coached sessions.
The school has a good range of high quality resources and positive relationships with local sports clubs and schools.
Parents are supportive of the school's involvement in sports programmes and competitions.
The school has maintained this level of activity and participation for many years and prior to this grant.