Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Binns

Mrs Beckingham

 Welcome to Class 3  

Thumbs Up Smiley Face Emoji - Free vector graphic on Pixabay

Spring Term 2025 

I hope you have had a lovely 1/2 term break and enjoyed some quality family time. Hopefully now you are ready and looking forward to all the new and interesting things that we can find out together. We're going to be really busy, as always and we can't wait to get started! Here's just a brief outline of what we'll be getting up to.

In English our lessons will be based around a range of fantastic books and I will give details of these as we go along...I don't want to give too much away as lots of prediction is involved!

In Maths, for this half term, will be focussing on; Addition & Subtraction, Time, Place Value, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division

In Science we will be thinking about 'Plants: Roots and Shoots'. For more information on this, please see the knowledge organiser below.

This half term we are back to Geography, focussing on the question, 'Beyond the Magic Kingdom – what is the Sunshine State really like?'  Again, more information is in the knowledge organiser below.

We will be continuing with our clarinet lessons. Please find time to practise at home.

Please refer to the homework timetable below if you are unsure of what to do and when it is due. I also post a news item on a Sunday to let you know what is coming up for that week.

If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like to volunteer to help out or share your expertise in a particular area, you can contact us through the school office or see us at the beginning or end of the school day.

Let’s continiue to work together to make this a fantastic year for the children of Class 3.

Battle Creek's Smiley Face Tagger Ready To Face Consequences

Many thanks 

The Class Three team

Key Information

  • P.E. days - Tuesday & Thursday 
  • Homework - please see the timetable below
  • Clarinet lessons on a Friday
  • Trip - tbc
  • Remember to use the learning hub below for easy access to the websites we regularly use.

Mental Health links:

Please also visit the school's dedicated mental health and well-being page for more information on where to get support.


Welcome to the Class Three Learning Hub!

Click on the icons below which will take you straight to the website. The website will give you ideas and activities for their age related learning journey. We will add to this over time. Don't forget to look on Google Classroom for your latest activities!

Google Classroom.png

Purple Mash.png MyMaths.jpg ActiveLearn.png
STEM Learning.png BBC Bitesize.png Robin Hood Trust.png Literacy Shed.jpg
  CAFOD Kids Zone.jpg National Trust.JPG  



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St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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