Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Beckingham

Mrs Clarke

Mrs Button

Welcome Back!

Summer Term 2 

Mrs Beckingham, Mrs Clarke & Mrs Button

Our final term in Year 2 can you believe it!

English sessions we will be looking at a high quality picture book.  We read this at intervals so don't want to reveal the story fully as we "unwrap" this lovely text together during our lessons.

Maths sessions will focus on fractions, ratio and proportion. Multiplication and division, measure, statistics, number and place value, problem solving, reasoning and algebra. So another very busy term for maths.  Whilst, also revisiting the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication each day and times tables (x2 x5 and x10). Don't forget to use TT Rockstars!

This term is Geography and Why does it matter where my food comes from? We will recognise that all the food we eat comes from either plants or animals and that a farm is an area of land and bulidings where those plants and animals are produced.  

Our Science topic is "Gardens and allotments including food chains"  The Science Knowledge Organiser contains more information in the link below.

 Our RE topics explores Treasures and other faiths.

Art we will be exploring Craft and design through printing and finding our own objects to print, create and evaluate. In Music we focus on "Myths & Legends" developing and understanding musical language and how timbre, dynamics and tempo affect the mood of a song. In Computing we focus on Coding and Presenting Ideas.

We also have Shakespeare Week this term which the children always enjoy!  A week to look forward to.

Homework will be sent out on a Thursday and is due to be handed in the following Wednesday.Each week your child will bring home a homework book and using Google Classroom or worksheet to enable them to complete the work in their books. Please keep listening to your child read it is so important that your child reads daily.  Weekly spellings can also be found on the Class page.

P.E. for Class 2 will be on Tuesday (Tennis) and on Friday (Athletics) and the children should come into school wearing their P.E. kits on these days. 

Please check Google Classroom, Instagram and the class page regularly for activities, updates and photographs of what we have been getting up to in class.

Our core aim in Class 2 is that your child's time in school is enjoyable, exciting and full of enriching learning experiences with a smile on their faces :)

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask at the school door or email [email protected]

Let's all try out best and make this a great Summer term! 

Mrs Beckingham, Mrs Clarke & Mrs Button

Useful Links:

Abacus Maths

My Maths

Purple Mash

Learn Live Read Channel

The Easter Story Silhouettes

Cafod Home Learning Resource

In Another Place - Easter Crosses

Mini Music Makers

RNSO Music Challenges

Stomp style body percussion

Mental Health links:

Children's Mental Health resources - for parents

5 minutes of fun

Partnership for Children

Family Togetherness

Relax with Hollie

Cbeebies Mindful Garden


Please also visit the school's dedicated mental health and well-being page for more information on where to get support.

Welcome to the Class Two Learning Hub!

Click on the icons below which will take you straight to the website. The website will give you ideas and activities for their age related learning journey. We will add to this over time. Don't forget to look on Google Classroom for your latest activities!

Google Classroom.png

Purple Mash.png MyMaths.jpg ActiveLearn.png
STEM Learning.png BBC Bitesize.png Robin Hood Trust.png Literacy Shed.jpg
Bitesize Phonics.JPG CAFOD Kids Zone.jpg National Trust.JPG TopMarks Maths.JPG



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Year 2: News items

Class 2 Spellings, by Mrs Clarke

Class 2 Spellings 5.7.24, by Mrs Clarke

Year 2: Blog items

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Year 2: Gallery items

Infant Chrsitmas Party, by Mrs Symes

Year 2: Calendar items

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St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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