Reception: Gallery

Fun in Reception, by Mrs Symes

Fun in Reception, by Mrs Symes

Reception - 24.10.24, by Mrs Symes

R.E in Reception, by Mrs Symes

Reception - 4.10.24, by Mrs Binns

Reception So Far!, by Mrs Symes

A Busy Day in Reception, by Mrs Symes

Welcome to Reception!, by Mrs Symes

A Busy Week in Reception, by Mrs Symes

Reception Dance, by Mrs Symes

Dough Disco in Reception, by Mrs Symes

Infant Chrsitmas Party, by Mrs Symes

Santa Visits Reception, by Mrs Symes

Leo the Lion's Party, by Mrs Symes

P.E in Reception, by Mrs Symes

Reception Beach School, by Mrs Symes

St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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