Our Mission

"Growing in God's Love" 

We are a Catholic School, a family and a spiritual community. We have a holistic approach;  supporting members of many groups, making lasting links with children and their families and celebrating diversity. We are educators who hope to inspire and challenge the natural curiosity in children.

Our mission is to value and respect all in our community to enable them to fulfill their potential and strive for excellence through exploration, discovery, creativity. We want to help them to grow and prepare for a successful and happy future.

We are defined by Gospel Values, our unique location, our collaborative and optimistic staff team, our strong links with our parish neighbours and the wider community; by our faith.

We are inspired by a shared sense of awe and wonder and joy in the world and the opportunities that lie ahead for children. We are aspirational for our pupils, ourselves and our school community. We are inspired by the pupils and their families and by each other. Our beautiful location and surroundings inspire us and give us an appreciation of where we are that is tangible and part of our ethos.

A fulfilment of our mission is when we see our children demonstrate their growth with gospel values, when we see their positive view of themselves and the wider world, their excitement and their love of learning. It is when we see our pupils confident and energized for their next step in life; when we help them to make lasting memories through shared experiences and we then see them reflect on how special their lives as a class have been.

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St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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