English is at the very heart of our curriculum at St Jerome's. Our English lessons are based around high-quality texts and we are passionate that children are able to learn, develop and express themselves through language, story and text. Exposing our children to rich language ensures that they build upon their vocabulary bank and as they travel through the school, they acquire the language that they need to understand sophisticated texts and expres themselves in a wide range of contexts.
Fostering a life-long love of reading is very important to us at St Jerome's. We promote reading for pleasure as a fundamental part of school life and our Reading Ambassadors work hard to develop this across the school. Pupils are taught the skills and strategies to read and comprehend a variety of texts including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and plays. They are encouraged to read with confidence, fluency and understanding.
English lessons are based around high-quality texts, following 'Pathways to Write.' In addition to this, each year group has a 'core' set of books which are read to the children throughout the year. This further enables the children to be immersed in rich literature. Children engage in author visits, Shakespeare workshops, library visits and national reading events, such as World Book Day and the 'Read for Good' campaign, throughout the year.
RWINc Phonics
At St Jerome's, we use RWINc Phonics to get our children off to a flying start with their literacy. Please see the links and parent booklets below to find out more about how the system works and how you can help support your child at home with their reading.