Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Dennehy
Mrs Blair
Mrs Button
Welcome to Class 1
Spring Term 2
Welcome back everyone. We hope you have all had a wonderful half term and are well rested, ready for the busy half term ahead.
Our main English focus will be based around a beautiful picture book entitled, 'The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth' by Ellie Hattie and Karl James Mountford. Here we enter a magical world where dinosaurs and knights come to life in a fact-filled, lift-the-flap caper! It's midnight in the museum and there's a mammoth on the loose! Can Oscar catch him before the witching hour is up? The rich, descriptive language in the text and wonderfully detailed illustrations will hopefully inspire some fantastic work.
Phonics will continue daily and sounds covered will be sent home weekly for practise. Home reading books will continue to reinforce sounds learnt and recognition of tricky 'red' words, alongside devloping comprehension, vocabulary and love of story.
In Maths, we will be looking at place value, recognising 2 digit numbers as tens and ones and making 2 digit numbers using 10 pences and smaller coins. We will continue to work on addition and subtraction, including crossing 10, identyfiying 1/10 more or less than any number to 100, and recognising number pairs to 10/20. We will develop recall of number facts, icluding doubles to 10, and use these to solve simple word problems. We will look at patterns in number, counting in lots of 2, 5 and 10, and learn about odd and even numbers. We will learn about 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 of a shape, measure length using cubes and rulers and look at time to the hour and half past on an analogue and digital clock. We will look at coins and their value and will explore 3D shapes and their properties.
Topic work has a Geography focus this half term. We will be considering the question 'What is the geography of where I live?' This investigation focusses on the immediate vacinity of the school and children's homes and then extends to encompass the local area. We will undertake some local fieldwork and use GIS programmes such as Google Earth. This enquiry provides an opportunity for young geographers to think about the interrelationship of people with the environments with which they interract at a variety of scales and locatoions. We name and locate continents and oceans, as well as naming, locating and knowing the capital cities of the four countries of the UK. Children will be encouraged to distinguish between human and natural geographical features. More details and a useful vocabulary list can be found in the Geography Knowledge Organiser below.
In Science our topic focus is Marvellous Material's'. The children will explore different materials and their properties. We will experiment with why objects are made out of certain materials. The Science Knowledge Organiser contains more details in the link below.
Children will all be given 2 reading books per week and would all benefit from reading every night. Little and often is best! Homework and spellings will be sent out on Fridays to be handed in by the following Tuesday. We really appreciate your support in this matter.
P.E. for Class 1 will be each Monday (Dance with Miss Kerry Belford) and Wednesday (outdoor team games) and the children should come into school wearing their P.E. kits on these days.
Fruit snacks are available daily free of charge. Fairtrade cookies are sold by Year Six children on Wednesdays for 40p and toast is for sale on Fridays for 20p.
Please check the class page regularly for updates and photographs of what we have been getting up to in class.
Each child should have their own login details for both Purple Mash and Active Learn. Both online learning platforms offer a great range of learning activities that children enjoy in school.
Remember if you want to contact us, please use the email address [email protected]
-Many thanks
Mrs Blair and Mrs Dennehy
If you need an extra link to reading activities. The Learn Live Read Channel will feature one Live read every week day at 10.00. Here's the link!
Useful links
Music Links
Mental Health links:
- Children's Mental Health resources - for parents
- 5 minutes of fun
- Partnership for Children
- Family Togetherness
- Relax with Hollie
- Cbeebies Mindful Garden
Please also visit the school's dedicated mental health and well-being page for more information on where to get support.
Welcome to the Class One Learning Hub!
Click on the icons below which will take you straight to the website. The website will give you ideas and activities for their age related learning journey. We will add to this over time. Don't forget to look on Google Classroom for your latest activities!
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Files to Download
Year 1: News items
Stars of the Week 07.03, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 07.02.25, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 31.01.25, by Mrs Binns