Religious Education
At St Jerome's we are in a transition phase from the Come and See curriculum to the New 'To See You More Clearly' curriculum as advised by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.
In these year groups, Religious Education at St Jerome's Catholic Primary School follows the Archdiocese of Liverpool programme “Come and See”. Each year group from Year Four to Year Six covers three topics each per term which link to a whole school theme. In additional to this, the children learn about other faiths and religions throughout the year. At the end of each Come and See topic each class will celebrate Collective Worship which is used as an opportunity for the children to share their learning in Come and See with the rest of their class school, their family and their school community.
"Come and See" supports and enables the faith experience of all children because it starts with their real life experience and leads them to reflect upon and consider the Christian message in all its richness in that experience
To continue to fulfil our aims and objectives we now use the ‘To Know You More Clearly’ programme from the new Religious Education Directory (RED) prescribed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool, in Reception through to Year 3. This programme is currently being rolled out gradually but will be compulsory for all year groups from September 2025. We have chosen to follow the programme as it is rolled out by the Archdiocese of Liverpool for each year group.
It is designed to enable children to develop their knowledge and understanding and their acquisition of skills, attitudes and values in a Christian environment.
This program goes beyond the traditional curriculum, encouraging students to explore their faith through a lens of curiosity and introspection. Through engaging lessons, thoughtful reflections, and interactive activities, "To Know You More Clearly" creates a dynamic learning environment that encourages students to connect with their spirituality on a personal level. This program not only imparts knowledge but also cultivates a genuine and enduring relationship with God, contributing to the overall spiritual development of the students.
Scripture is the foundation of each Branch and will develop knowledge, understanding, skills, compassion and awe and wonder across the curriculum.