Class 3 information 09.09.24

In spelling lessons this week we will be starting to look at some of the words from the Y3/4 list. I have spoken to the chidren already, explaining that these are quite tricky words. We will be focussing on the 'tricky' bit and thinking of strategies to help us to remember how to spell them.

The words are;

accident  appear  breath   breathe   caught   disappear   early   experience

extreme  heard   natural   often   ordinary   recent   strength   through

For our times tables, we will be focussing on our 2s, 5s,& 10s as a revision from Y2.

Maths homework for this week is on Active Learn - Abacus - Bop a Bird! This should be completed by all children. There is also an 'optional' homework sheet. This is for those of you that would like an extra challenge. If you can't print it out, don't worry. Just write your answers on a piece of paper.


St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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