Class 3 information 20.11.23
This week's spellings are homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. Our words are:
ball bawl brake break fair fare grate great
groan grown here hear rain rein reign
Times tables are the 6s.
Maths homework is on My Maths. There are 2 activities - Measure and Units of Measure. Please complete both.
The words and music for the junior carols are on Google Classroom. Please encourage your child to practise as much as they can. The words do need to be learned as we will not be having them on the day.
On Friday, I sent the Y1/2 spelling words home. As you know we have already started work on the Y3/4 words. If you have time, it would be really beneficial if you could go over the words that your child got wrong and support them with strategies for learning the correct spelling. Of course, we will be continuing to do this in school also.
Many thanks for your continued support.