Class 4 Homework. Spellings/tables for week beginning 3.3.25

Welcome back to school to class 4. A great time, at CHET, was had by all.

There will not be a spelling test or tables test tomorrow as the children have been away on the residential.

The tables will be 7 times tables. There is also TTRS the Battle of the bands as well as My maths.

The guided reading weill be given out on Friday 28.2.25 for the following Friday 7.3.25, as usual.

The text is 'What have the Romans done for us?'

There will be spellings and tables next week, for a test on Friday 7.3.25.

The spellings are;

answer, build, calendar, centre, circle, decide, different, difficult, early, eighth, group, island, natural, position, separate, strength, though.

Please encourage the children to have a look at the spellings and talk through when we might use these words. Try just a few words at a time, think of memorable ways to remember their spelling.

A couple of strategies we use in school:

  • Word pyramids,
  • Word recognition/segmentation/words within words,
  • Shape filing,
  • Look, cover, write, check,
  • Use it in  a sentence,
  •  Underline/ colour/ highlight difficult parts of the spelling,
  • Make the difficult part of the spelling bigger of different to make it more memorable.

The Year 4 team.

St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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