Class 4 Homework. Week commencing 10.2.25

Homework is as usual.

The spellings are the same as last week, we will  recap all  the 'shun' sounding words we've already covered in class as well.

This weeks spellings are;

admiration, adoration, alteration, aspiration, expiration, floatation, information, inhalation, preparation, relaxation, sensation, variation

My Maths is set and TTRS continues as our class/ school competition. 

This weeks tables are 4 and 8 times tables building on the 2 and 4's from last week.

Guided reading is set each Friday for the following Friday. Please continue to record daily reading in readng records for house points.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 4 team.



St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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