Reception: News items

Language Stars 14.02.20, by Mrs Binns

Language Stars 31.01.20, by Mrs Binns

Language Stars 24.01.20, by Mrs Binns

Parents Drop In, by Mrs Dennehy

Reception Maths , by Mrs Dennehy

Language Stars 10.01.20, by Mrs Binns

Happy New Year , by Mrs Dennehy

Stars of the Week 13.12.19, by Mr Whiffing

Language Stars 13.12.19, by Mr Whiffing

Stars of the Week 06.12.19, by Mr Whiffing

Language Stars 06.12.19, by Mr Whiffing

Reception Reading Books, by Mrs Dennehy

Language Stars 08.11.19, by Mr Whiffing

Stars of the Week 08.11.19, by Mr Whiffing

Language Stars, by Mrs Binns

Singing Assembly, by Mrs Binns

St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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