: Gallery
Investigating the parts of a flower, by Mrs Buckley
NSPCC Number Day, by Mrs Quinn
Reception - maths and outside fun!, by Mrs Symes
Class 2 Drama, by Mrs Veevers
Tuesday, by Mrs Symes
Class 2 drama, by Mrs Veevers
Another busy day in Reception!, by Mrs Symes
Class 2 Science, by Mrs Veevers
Class One Mud Kitchen Fun, by Mrs Blair
Outdoor learning in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Class One Chicks, by Mrs Blair
Class One Potato Planting, by Mrs Blair
Class One chicks, by Mrs Blair
Reception, by Mrs Symes
Class 5 Mayan Masks, by Mrs Quinn
Cuddles with the chicks, by Mrs Symes
Class 6 The eyes of the World are watching!, by Mrs Quinn
Making windmills in R.E., by Mrs Symes
Gardening in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Class 2 Drama, by Mrs Veevers
Reception's Little Chicks, by Karen Symes
Bubble fun in the sun., by Karen Symes
Meet the chicks!, by Karen Symes
English work, by Kathryn Buckley
Gardening in Reception, by Karen Symes