: Gallery
‘Monkeys and Hats’, by Mrs Blair
New Year Resolutions, by Mrs Blair
‘Monkeys and Hats’ Drama, by Mrs Blair
Class 3 home learning pictures, by Mrs Buckley
New Years Resolutions, by Mrs Blair
Christmas party games and dancing in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Class 2 Christmas fun, by Mrs Veevers
Reception’s Mindfulness Session, by Mrs Symes
Snowman biscuits, by Miss Larsen
St Jerome's Christmas Nativity The Angel Express, by Mrs Quinn
Class One Christmas lunch, by Miss Larsen
Class 6 Christmas lunch, by Mrs Quinn
Christmas lunch in Class2, by Mrs Veevers
Christmas lunch in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Christmas jumper day, by Mrs Binns
Christmas tree decorations, by Mrs Binns
Class 4 sELFies, by Mrs Binns
Santa Dash, by Mrs Binns
DT treasure boxes, by Mrs Binns
Look at our little elves in Reception!, by Mrs Symes
Class 6 Christmas Jumper Day, by Mrs Quinn
Another busy day in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Christmas Jumper Day in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Christmas jumper day 2020, by Miss Larsen
Christmas Jumper Day in Class 2, by Mrs Veevers