: Gallery

Fun in the snow, by Mrs Binns

Class 1 Yoga Lesson, by Mrs Quinn

Kevin the Carrot, by Mrs Binns

Class 4's Nativities, by Mrs Binns

Welcome back, by Miss Larsen

Class 5 Team Games, by Mrs Quinn

Junior Christmas Lunch, by Mrs Quinn

Advent Class 6 & Class 1, by Mrs Quinn

Parish Party, by Mrs Quinn

Class 4 Dewa Trip, by Mrs Binns

Lego Club, by Mrs Binns

Leo's 5th Birthday!, by Miss Larsen

Class 5 Hockey Lesson, by Mrs Quinn

Class 5 Beach School, by Mrs Quinn

Class 4 Beach School, by Mrs Quinn

Halloween Junior Disco, by Mrs Quinn

Halloween Infant Disco, by Mrs Quinn

First Half Term, by Miss Larsen

Class 5 Problem Solving , by Mrs Quinn

Class 6 Beach School, by Mrs Quinn

St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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