: Gallery
Sharing celebrations and outdoor fun in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Class 1, by Mrs Dennehy
Class 5 sharing stories with Reception., by Mrs Symes
Infant Christmas Party, by Mrs Symes
Class 6 Christmas things!, by Mrs Quinn
Pyjama day in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Class 1 Beach School, by Mrs Dennehy
Christmas Fun Class 1 and Reception, by Mrs Dennehy
Christmas Lunch in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Icy play time!, by Mrs Quinn
A Miracle in Town, by Mrs Quinn
Reception, by Mrs Symes
Santa Dash, by Mrs Quinn
Little Elves in Reception., by Mrs Symes
The Nativity Story in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Class Three, by Mrs Binns
Reception Santa Dash, by Mrs Symes
Santa Dash, by Mrs Dennehy
Reception, by Mrs Symes
Celebrating Leo, by Mrs Symes
Magic snow and repeating patterns in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Maths in Reception - what makes 5?, by Mrs Symes
Class 5 trip to Martin Mere, by Mrs Buckley
Subitising skills in Reception, by Mrs Symes