: Gallery
Class 6 P.E, by Mrs Quinn
Class 3 Stem week, by Mrs Buckley
Class 6 STEM week Skyscrapers, by Mrs Quinn
Den Making Class 1 and Reception, by Mrs Dennehy
STEM Week in Class 2, by Mrs Veevers
Class 1 Materials and Crafts, by Mrs Dennehy
Internet Safety in Reception and Class 1, by Mrs Symes
Number Day in Class 2, by Mrs Beckingham
Number Day in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Class 1 Number Day, by Mrs Dennehy
Class 1 Science, by Mrs Dennehy
Dodgeball in Reception and Class 1, by Mrs Symes
Class 2 Beach School, by Mrs Veevers
Celebrating Lunar New Year in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Class 4 Roman oil lamps, by Mrs Binns
Class 3 Kin-ball fun!, by Mrs Quinn
Painting and outdoor learning in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Class 3 beach school, by Mrs Buckley
What makes us special in R.E. In Reception, by Mrs Symes
Repeating patterns in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Class 1 Beach School, by Mrs Dennehy
Class Six Kin-Ball Fun, by Mrs Quinn
Fun in the sun this afternoon!, by Mrs Symes
Reception enjoying their new toys!, by Mrs Symes