Reception: Gallery
Outdoor learning in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Class One Potato Planting, by Mrs Blair
Reception, by Mrs Symes
Cuddles with the chicks, by Mrs Symes
Making windmills in R.E., by Mrs Symes
Gardening in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Reception's Little Chicks, by Karen Symes
Bubble fun in the sun., by Karen Symes
Meet the chicks!, by Karen Symes
Gardening in Reception, by Karen Symes
7 hatched so far!, by Karen Symes
Outdoor learning in Reception, by Karen Symes
Exciting times in Reception, by Karen Symes
Reception, by Mrs Symes
Crosses for Easter, by Mrs Quinn
Learning in our outdoor area, by Mrs Quinn
Multi-Sports afternoon, by Mrs Quinn
Multi-Sports afternoon for all, by Mrs Quinn
Reception baking chocolate crispie cakes., by Mrs Symes
Red Nose Day Danceathon!, by Mrs Quinn
Big hug from Reception, by Mrs Quinn
This morning’s maths - ‘part whole’ with number 13, by Mrs Symes
Reception taking part in this afternoon’s danceathon, by Mrs Symes
Red Nose Day Fun, by Mrs Quinn
Reception’s word of the week song, by Mrs Symes