Reception: Gallery

Reception, by Mrs Symes

Cuddles with the chicks, by Mrs Symes

Making windmills in R.E., by Mrs Symes

Gardening in Reception, by Mrs Symes

Reception's Little Chicks, by Karen Symes

Bubble fun in the sun., by Karen Symes

Meet the chicks!, by Karen Symes

Gardening in Reception, by Karen Symes

7 hatched so far!, by Karen Symes

Exciting times in Reception, by Karen Symes

Reception, by Mrs Symes

Crosses for Easter, by Mrs Quinn

Multi-Sports afternoon, by Mrs Quinn

Red Nose Day Danceathon!, by Mrs Quinn

Big hug from Reception, by Mrs Quinn

Red Nose Day Fun, by Mrs Quinn

St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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