Reception: Gallery
Reception, by Mrs Symes
Whole School Photo, by Mrs Quinn
Fun in the park in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Baby animal paintings in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Sunny Tuesday afternoon in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Searching for minibeast habitats in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Winter garden fun for Reception, by Mrs Symes
Story time for Reception and Class 6, by Mrs Symes
Junk modelling in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Sharing good news and gardening in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Easter fun in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Easter baking in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Parachutes in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Reception walk looking for signs of new life for Spring, by Mrs Symes
Reception reading with class 6, by Mrs Symes
Reception enjoying the sunshine!, by Mrs Symes
World Book Day in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Our Latest Shining Stars in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Den Making Class 1 and Reception, by Mrs Dennehy
Internet Safety in Reception and Class 1, by Mrs Symes
Number Day in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Dodgeball in Reception and Class 1, by Mrs Symes
Celebrating Lunar New Year in Reception, by Mrs Symes