Reception: Gallery
Baptism Role Play in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Wake up and dance in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Reception, by Mrs Symes
Dancing in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Reception Sports Games, by Mrs Symes
Yoga and gardening in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Baking gingerbread men in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Nature walk and environmental art in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Today, by Mrs Symes
Reception self portraits, by Mrs Symes
Reception sharing their family pictures., by Mrs Symes
Look Out! posters for the Gingerbread Man, by Mrs Symes
Reception yoga and a silver star, by Mrs Symes
R.E. work and outdoor provision in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Fun in the sun in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Celebrating achievements and outdoor play in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Look how magnificent Reception are!, by Mrs Symes
Reception - Magnificent Me and outdoor play, by Mrs Symes
Making the most of our last day in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Party time in Reception!, by Mrs Symes
Reception Paintings, by Mrs Symes
Baking banana muffins with Fairtrade ingredients, by Mrs Symes
Reception's Trip to Beach School, by Mrs Symes
Reception Supertato, by Mrs Symes
Reception Pictures for Sports Day, by Mrs Symes