: News items
Reception's Word of the Week 20.1.25, by Mrs Symes
Class4 Homework, by Mrs Brereton
Class 2 Weekly Spellings w.b. 13.1.25, by Miss Mageer
Class 3 information 13.01.25, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 10.01.25, by Mrs Binns
Class 4 homework., by Mrs Brereton
Class 3 information 06.01.25, by Mrs Binns
Reception's Word of the Week - 6.1.25, by Mrs Symes
Class 3 information 16.12.24, by Mrs Binns
Reception's Word of the Week - 16.12.24, by Mrs Symes
Reception's Word of the Week - 9.12.24, by Mrs Symes
Class 3 information 09.12.24, by Mrs Binns
Class 2 Weekly Spellings w.b. 2.12.24, by Miss Mageer
Reception's Word of the Week - 2.12.24, by Mrs Symes
Stars of the Week 29.11.24, by Mrs Binns
Class 4 Homework Spellings and My Maths 23.11.24, by Mrs Brereton
Class 2 Weekly Spellings w.b. 25.11.24, by Miss Mageer
Class 3 information 25.11.24, by Mrs Binns
Reception's Word of the Week - 25..11.24, by Mrs Symes
Stars of the Week 22.11.24, by Mrs Binns
Weekly Spellings wb. 18.11.24, by Miss Mageer
Class 3 information 18.11.24, by Mrs Binns
Reception's Word of the Week - 18.11.24, by Mrs Symes
Stars of the Week 15.11.24, by Mrs Binns
Weekling spellings wb. 11.11.24, by Miss Mageer