: News items
Class 4 Spellings and x tables 25.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Language Stars 22.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 22.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Class 5 Spellings 22.06.18, by Mrs Whiteside
Beach School, by Mrs Binns
Class 4 Spellings and x tables 18.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Class 4 Homework (15.06.2018), by Mrs Binns
Class 5 Spellings 15.06.18, by Mrs Whiteside
Stars of the week 15.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Language Stars 15.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Poetry Fortnight, by Mrs Binns
Class 4 Spellings and x tables 11.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Poetry Fortnight, by Mrs Binns
Goodbye and Good Luck to Mrs Dennehy, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 08.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Class 5 Spellings 04.06.18, by Mrs Whiteside
Class 4 Spellings and x tables 04.06.18, by Mrs Binns
Star of the Week 25.05.18, by Mrs Binns
Reception Summer News, by Mrs Dennehy
Class 4 Spellings and x tables 21.05.18, by Mrs Binns
Language Stars 18.05.18, by Mrs Binns
Star of the Week 18.05.18, by Mrs Binns
Class 5 Spellings 11.05.18, by Mrs Whiteside
Language Stars 11.05.18, by Mrs Binns
Star of the Week 11.05.18, by Mrs Binns