: News items
Class 5 Spellings 17.11.17, by Mrs Whiteside
Stone Age Ug visit, by Mrs Buckley
Class 4 Spellings and Times Tables 13.11.17, by Mrs Binns
Language Stars 10.11.17, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 10.11.17, by Mrs Binns
Language Stars 06.11.17, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 06.11.17, by Mrs Binns
Class 4 Spellings and Times Tables 06.11.17, by Mrs Binns
Hockey Champion Kate Richardson Walsh, by Mrs Whiteside
Class 5 Spellings 3.11.17, by Mrs Whiteside
The Iron Men, by Mrs Whiteside
Class 4 spellings and x tables 30.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Class 4 Calculation Methods, by Mrs Binns
Class 5 Spellings 20.10.17, by Mrs Whiteside
Language Stars 20.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 20.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Class 3 trip to eco-centre, by Mrs Buckley
Class 4 spellings and x tables 16.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Year 5 Spellings 13.10.17, by Mrs Whiteside
Stars of the Week 13.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Language Stars 13.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Reception Phonics Pronunciation, by Mrs Dennehy
Useful websites for Reception, by Mrs Dennehy
Class 4 spellings and x tables 09.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 06.10.17, by Mrs Whiteside