: News items
Class 3 trip to eco-centre, by Mrs Buckley
Class 4 spellings and x tables 16.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Year 5 Spellings 13.10.17, by Mrs Whiteside
Stars of the Week 13.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Language Stars 13.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Reception Phonics Pronunciation, by Mrs Dennehy
Useful websites for Reception, by Mrs Dennehy
Class 4 spellings and x tables 09.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 06.10.17, by Mrs Whiteside
Spanish Stars, by Mrs Whiteside
Year 5 Spellings 6.10.17, by Mrs Whiteside
Year 5 Viking Trip Martin Mere, by Mrs Whiteside
Lego Club, by Mrs Binns
Year 4 Spellings and x tables 02.10.17, by Mrs Binns
Summer Reading Challenge news!, by Mrs Binns
Star of the Week 29.09.17, by Mrs Binns
Competition Winners, by Mrs Binns
Charanga Music World, by Mrs Whiteside
Year 5 Spellings 29.9.17, by Mrs Whiteside
Year 4 Spellings and x tables 25.09.17, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 22.09.17, by Mrs Binns
Language Stars 22.09.17, by Mrs Binns
Year 5 Spellings 22.09.17, by Mrs Whiteside
Year 4 Spellings 18.09.17, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 15.09.17, by Mrs Binns