: Gallery

Easter Family Crafts, by Mrs Quinn

Duke Street Park, by Miss Maher

Beach School , by Miss Maher

Beach School, by Mrs Beckingham

Rugby Tots, by Miss Maher

Class Words, by Mrs Quinn

Supertato, by Miss Maher

Ash Wednesday Service, by Mrs Quinn

Bird Feeders , by Miss Maher

Pancake Day, by Miss Maher

Measuring , by Miss Maher

class 6 Yoga lesson, by Mrs Quinn

Come Dine with Us, by Mrs Quinn

Flying Aeroplanes, by Mrs Quinn

P.E, by Mrs Quinn

Phonics Play and Stay, by Miss Maher

Chinese New Year, by Miss Maher

Science-Magnets, by Mrs Quinn

What a busy few weeks , by Miss Maher

Class 6 Boxercise lesson, by Mrs Quinn

Balance Cakes, by Miss Maher

Class 6 circuit training, by Mrs Quinn

St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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