: Gallery
Ahoy Me Hearties! , by Mrs Williams
Wedding celebrations, by Miss Maher
Easter Family Crafts, by Mrs Quinn
Duke Street Park, by Miss Maher
Class 6 Beach School Orienteering & Map Reading Skills, by Mrs Quinn
Beach School , by Miss Maher
Beach School, by Mrs Beckingham
Rugby Tots, by Miss Maher
Class Words, by Mrs Quinn
Supertato, by Miss Maher
Ash Wednesday Service, by Mrs Quinn
Bird Feeders , by Miss Maher
Pancake Day, by Miss Maher
Measuring , by Miss Maher
class 6 Yoga lesson, by Mrs Quinn
Come Dine with Us, by Mrs Quinn
Flying Aeroplanes, by Mrs Quinn
A lovely end to a busy week, by Mrs Quinn
P.E, by Mrs Quinn
Phonics Play and Stay, by Miss Maher
Chinese New Year, by Miss Maher
Science-Magnets, by Mrs Quinn
What a busy few weeks , by Miss Maher
Class 6 Boxercise lesson, by Mrs Quinn